Category Archives: A bit of preaching

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Can’t We All Just Get Along Romans 14 After hearing last week about the doctor who threw his kids off a balcony, my heart began aching more deeply [..]

A bit of preaching, Belonging, Ministry, Struggles

Are We a Disconnected People?

Are We a Disconnected People? James 2:19 I often ride an exercise bike. While I do so, I spend time talking to God, reading the Bible, or I [..]

A bit of preaching, Sin

Christianity is Offensive!

Christianity is Offensive! Matthew 15:12-14 Christianity, to some, has come to be thought of as a religion of comfort. Christianity makes us feel good and should. The assurance [..]

A bit of preaching, Evangelism, Ministry

What We Say Really Matters

What We Say Really Matters Matthew 12:33-37 I may have mentioned before that our congregation has been encouraged to read through the first four books of the New [..]

A bit of preaching, Christian Graces