Category Archives: Sin

Sometimes we miss the mark. That is the definition of sin. We need help to stop sinning and help to understand sin. These devos cover both.

Are We Terrible People?

Romans 5:18-19 Ezekiel 18 Luke 23:50 I’ve been hanging around some folks who think we are terrible people. They say there is no good in us at all. [..]

Attributes of God, God's Love, Hope, Sin, The Bible

Spiritual Mushrooms

Spiritual Mushrooms John 2:1-11 The other day, our family left the house and headed to the car. My son ran through the front yard and screamed out, “Look, [..]

Christian Graces, Sin, Struggles

I’ve Seen that Mountain Lion

I’ve Seen That Mountain Lion 1 Peter 5:8 One day in the mountains, a man went for a peaceful walk or so he thought. Unknown to him, a [..]


Why do the Evil Prosper?

Why Do the Evil Prosper? Psalm 37:35-39 A question arose the other day, “How can I be doing wrong if things are going good for me?” This question [..]

God's Love, Sin, Struggles