Are We a Disconnected People?

Are We a Disconnected People?
James 2:19

I often ride an exercise bike. While I do so, I spend time talking to God, reading the Bible, or I drift back to the Wild West by reading a western from Louis L’Amour. Well, today I had a very simple thought cross my mind while I rode my bike to nowhere. I figured out that if I don’t eat right, all the exercise in the world is useless as I strive to lose weight.

Has anyone else figured that out? That thought reminded me of Jesus’ empty tomb. If the body of Jesus was still in that tomb, the entire Christian religion would be useless. It is all based on a risen savior. I also thought about a couple other situations that need vital connections, one is religious in nature, and the other one isn’t. The idea of saying “I love you” to a spouse is meaningless unless there are loving actions accompanying those words. And finally, I thought of the demons spoken of in the book of James. It is said that the demons believe that there is one God. James is stressing that belief without actions is meaningless.

We cannot take our lives out of context. We cannot look at one little part and say, “Wow! I’m doing good.” Our lives are connected parts of a greater plan. If our words are nice but our actions are inconsiderate, there is a disconnection. If we exercise every day but eat hot fudge sundaes for breakfast or greasy foods at every meal, there is a disconnection in our desire to be healthy.

Onto more religious matters, if Jesus died but wasn’t raised from his tomb, there is a gigantic disconnection. And if we say we love Jesus and never try to improve ourselves spiritually, there is big problem of disconnection in our life that needs fixed. Do you have this disconnection in your life? How will you become better connected? Do you need help? Just let me know and I’ll help in any way I can. Let us all try to be a more connected people.

A bit of preaching, Sin

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