Can You Go to Venice?

Can You Go To Venice?
I Thessalonians 5:16

The city of Venice is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Have you ever wondered how happy the people in Venice must be? They can never be depressed or unhappy can they? After all, they live in Venice. What problems could they ever have? We know of course, that just because Venice is one of the ultimate vacation destinations for many, the folks in Venice as well as anywhere else can and do have problems.

I was reading a picture book to my son a while back titled Little Toot on the Grand Canal, it was set in Venice, Italy. As I was reading it, I came to the following line, “No one can be unhappy in Venice.” After reading that line, my innocent little boy said nonchalantly, “I guess we can’t go to Venice.” His words made me think for a moment. It made me wonder what type of life Daddy and Mommy were showing him? There have been some very tough times in our life over this past year and we have neglected to let the joy we have down in our hearts to be seen at times. I guess my son notices things like this. What five-year old wouldn’t? If that picture book philosophy were true, that no one can be unhappy in Venice, could you go?

I Thessalonians 5:16 implores us to “be joyful always” because as it says, “this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  I know I don’t exhibit the joy God wants us to show as often as I should. Privately, I may show joy a lot more often than I do in public. I don’t think this is what God had in mind. I look at my son and see the joy in his heart, the joy in his words, and the joy in his actions. He’s just happy to be around. I pray that God will protect that joy in him. I pray that no person or circumstance will ever take that heartfelt joy from my son. I want him to be the same joyful person as an adult that he is today.

I pray the same for you. I pray that no circumstance or individual will ever take away the true joy we have down in our hearts. Sometimes that joy is just hidden underneath layers and layers of muck. If your joy is stuck in the muck, may God bless you this week by allowing some of it to melt away.


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