Author Archives: gophumek

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks Colossians 3:15-17 Please join me in prayer this week for the victims of the Tsunami that has devastated many countries around the Indian Ocean. By the [..]

A bit of preaching, Christian Graces, Struggles

She Gave Me a Pen

She gave me a pen.” Romans 12:1 You will see in a few of my devotional tidbits, references to the 1989 movie Say Anything starring John Cusack. In [..]

A bit of preaching, Christian Graces, Servanthood

Toothpaste and Words

Toothpaste & Words James 3:1-12 Words, words, words, we hear a lot of them at this time of the year. A lot of people are wishing us well, [..]

A bit of preaching, Christian Graces, Peace

Hangin’ On

Hanging On Mark 8:36-37 I want to write to you today about “Hanging On.” Three quick things pop in my mind when I think about that term.  I [..]

A bit of preaching, Christian Graces