The Gift of a Can Opener

The Gift of a Can Opener
James 1:17

Today’s Bible verse begins, “Every good and perfect gift is from above…”  When my son Ezekiel was born, I received a card with that Bible verse on it. I thought it was quite appropriate. He definitely was a gift from God. What I find amazing is that sometimes little things, things I find less important, can also be classified as gifts from God.

Today I helped a man get some food from a local ministry. He was quite thankful for the food he received. However, he was given one particular item that gave him a lot of joy. He was given a can opener. Before today, he did not own a can opener. You know, all the free food in the world, especially canned food, is meaningless without a can opener. I don’t know about you, but I take my cans of ravioli, corn, and peas for granted. And I never think twice about how I will open them. Okay, my wife usually opens them, but that is beside the point.

The idea I want to express today is that our gifts from God can be anything, even a can opener. Since I’m talking about gifts, what did God bless you with today? A loving spouse? A good job? Great parents? Yet another material posession? A nice meal? A peaceful day? Whatever your gift from God was today, don’t forget to tell him "thanks!"

Ministry, Servanthood, Struggles

Christianity is Offensive!

Christianity is Offensive!
Matthew 15:12-14

Christianity, to some, has come to be thought of as a religion of comfort. Christianity makes us feel good and should. The assurance of God’s love should overwhelm us with joy! However, Christianity is offensive. Becoming a Christian is making a change in one’s life. Being creatures of habit, change is naturally offensive. “How dare you tell me I need to change my lifestyle!” is an often heard lament from pre-Christian people.

A quick study of the Apostles and you’ll notice they offended lots of people. Jesus even offended the traditionalists and legalists of his day, the religious leaders. We too have traditionalists and legalists in our own time. There are folks who declare today, “How dare you tell me we need to change how we do church and evangelism!”

Many folks overlook or misinterpret the calls for unity and evangelism found throughout God’s word. God has one desire. He wants all people to be made right with Him. It is around this rallying point that the church should be united. The color of carpet, the style of songs, the delivery method of sermons, small group gatherings, and the ways in which we engage culture among other things, should not matter. Winning people to Christ is what matters!

The focus of any body of believers should be to win others to Christ. If we are not doing that, something is wrong! The Apostle Paul understood that desire to win others. In one passage, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, he mentions six times his desire to “win some” to Christ. Surrounding those words is his principle of accommodation. He stated that he became all things to all people so to win some. He didn’t do that literally, but he did become “like” all people to win them to Christ. He understood their culture and entered it. He may not have been comfortable doing so.  Rarely is a person comfortable at all with change. Sometimes, we find it downright offensive.

Jesus changed the world. He offended the traditionalists of his day. When told by his disciples that he had offended those leaders, Jesus didn’t cower and say, “Ooops! I don’t want to offend anybody.” Read his words and you’ll find Jesus simply added insult upon injury. Jesus didn’t go out of his way to offend people. In our verses today, Jesus offended those that could keep people from becoming his followers. God’s desire is that all will be saved.

I wonder if I am personally holding on to some point of view or tradition that will keep others from following Christ? Are you? Have we made our opinions equal with those Holy Spirit breathed words of God we find in the Bible? Technically speaking, that is what many call legalism. We may just need to forsake our comfort for the sake of those pre-Christians or unchurched, among us. We have to put our love for those who don’t intimately know Jesus Christ ahead of our love of being comfortable. That may mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I encourage congregations everywhere to begin this discussion with their members and start winning more people to Christ!

A bit of preaching, Evangelism, Ministry

Genealogy – Does it Matter?

Genealogy – Does it Matter?
Matthew 1

Reading through the first four books of the New Testament is difficult at times. My wife and I are embarking on this journey again this month.   I encourage you to do the same. In doing so, one of the more difficult readings is the first chapter of Matthew. When I was in preaching school someone asked a professor if the genealogy of Jesus could be skipped since it wasn’t that important. That professor almost had a cow. One of the most amazing things found in the genealogy of Jesus is that Rahab, a gentile prostitute is found to be an ancestor of Jesus. For His purpose, God has used people in the redemptive story of Jesus Christ that we today would never have thought of using. Any one we look at today, no matter how undesirable they may seem, is valuable to God and can be used by Him to accomplish His purpose. God can do as he sees fit and sees fit to love everyone.

Belonging, God's Love

Zookeeper or Supper?

Zookeeper or Supper?
Joshua 1:9 and 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Last night, I went into my son’s room to pray for him. He was sound asleep but I accidentally woke him to the point where he said, “Daddy you were right near the gorilla.” My son was dreaming. He can’t remember that dream. But I like to interpret it as I was such a strong courageous guy that I could get right in there next to the Gorilla. I was given an extra bit of strength and courage in my son’s dream, or so I like to think.

After reflecting on that for a while, I began to think about the strength God personally gives each of us. A little wisdom from the Old and New Testaments is in order. God tells Joshua in Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Those are some encouraging words. Knowing that God is with us wherever we go, through all of our difficult times, can be quite a calming influence in our souls. Paul says something similar in 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loves us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” There is no doubt about it, God strengthens and encourages us.

I don’t have to wait until the next time my son excitedly dreams, that I’m in there right next to the Gorilla, for me to have strength and courage. In his dream, I may have been the main course. Nevertheless, I prefer to see myself as a strong gorilla tamer or courageous zookeeper. I am blessed that I can simply have that kind of strength and courage given to me by God. We all can!
