Jesus Came to Set Us Free

Jesus Came to Set us Free
Luke 4:18-19

This Christmas season is not over yet. Well, maybe it is for those folks that take down all their Christmas decorations today. Unlike them, we don’t even take our tree and decorations down for two more weeks. We love this season. However, there are those who have a very hard time right now due to numerous problems in their lives.

I met Vicky, a store clerk, on December 23rd. She looked very sad. I asked if she had any prayer needs. Her biggest problem, she admitted, was just getting out of bed each day and facing life. Hey everyone, that’s a big problem. Then on Sunday at our nursing home worship service, I met a care taker of one of the residents. She too seemed quite depressed during this most joyous time of the year. I had asked for prayer requests from the group and I received a few, but not from this woman. Afterward, I went to her and found out she had a very important prayer need. It was the first Christmas for her family after the death of her mother. The entire family was enduring much sadness at this time. Others I spoke with over the past few days have family members with cancer, various family struggles, and complex character issues that make things tough in their lives. Then this morning I read these words from Jesus,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.” (TEV)

Struggles can sometimes make us wish we were dead. They can make us feel like we are prisoners. Struggles can make us blind to the blessing Jesus died to give us. Jesus’ words should be uplifting to us if we struggle. However, just reading his words aren’t always a magic potion to happiness. Oftentimes, Jesus needs to work through us to help our friends and family through their struggles. Who are you going to help today, this day after Christmas?  As for me, my always open invitation to pray for you is still here. We have a phone number too. It’s at the end of this email. We’re here to talk, my wife or myself. I wish we could do more and we look forward to a time when we can.

May you be blessed this week and remember, Jesus wants to set all of us free from any struggle we encounter.

God's Love, Struggles

How Beautiful

How Beautiful
Ecclesiastes 3:11

My recent trip to Kansas this past weekend helped cement this thought in my mind. There is a lot of beauty between Dallas and Wichita (really, there is). I like the open prairie and I was able to see all of it. Then there were the good people I visited with in Norwich. I experienced good conversations and I was shown the kindest hospitality. All in all, I witnessed a lot of beauty this past weekend in a small Kansas town. On my way back, I saw old friends in Oklahoma whom I treasure. God has indeed made everything beautiful, not just land, but people and valued relationships. I ask you today, what has God made beautiful in your life? Is it a place you like to visit or a person you like to talk with? Take time today to think about the “beautiful” which God has made for you.

Belonging, God's Love

Too Little Time

Too Little Time
2 Peter 3:8

I like the beginning of that verse. The older I get, the more I enjoy time moving slow. Sometimes I wish time could stop. Time is a valuable asset in our lives. Rarely do we ever say, “Boy, I just have too much time on my hands.” Often, our lament is exactly the opposite. We rush because we have too little time. I don’t believe rushing is God’s plan for our lives. Rushing seldom makes things better and it causes us to get stressed out. It can make us angry when situations do not meet our deadline. The word “dead” is appropriate. The stress alone can kill us by raising our blood pressure and giving us a stroke.

As a society, we need to just chill out and relax. If that means signing your kid up to play one less sport in the spring, then so be it. If that means working less overtime and doing without eating out so much and buying so many gifts at Christmas, then take up your cross and suffer. If slowing down in your case means turning the television or computer off and spending time with your kids, spouse or friends . . . well, let’s work on that one. But seriously, our kids, spouses and friends should mean more to us than the latest episode of our favorite television show or our latest Google search. Our society has been brain washed. We have been told if we’re not busy every night of the week then our life is less worthy than our neighbor who is always busy. Don’t believe that lie!

I am only writing this today because I have lately seen the benefit of taking my time and not allowing the clock to dictate my actions. I have really been blessed, most of all because my anger has subsided and I’ve just gone with the flow. It’s not always fun because I miss out on some things I’d rather not. However, less stress and anger is always a good thing.

A bit of preaching, Peace

He Has Overcome the World

He Has Overcome the World
John 16:33

Jesus said, “I have overcome the world.” My question today, what has the “world” thrown at you lately? Cancer? A cheating spouse? A job dismissal? A computer that crashes every day? A child that finds themselves in constant trouble? A combination of any of the above? You can add your own dilemma to this list. Jesus can help you overcome any problem you ever encounter, I mean “EVER” encounter. Jesus can do this but oftentimes we prevent him by trying to take care of it ourselves. I will be spending an extra amount of time in prayer today. I would like to know your needs, those things the “world” has been throwing at you. I’ll pray for your problems to go away, or I can simply pray that you can get out of the way as Jesus takes over. Email me soon, so I can lift you up before the Father. Pet problems, people problems, hey, even hit me with your praises.
