Category Archives: Leadership

You are a Leader!

You are a Leader! 1 Cor. 11:1 Saturday I read a book about leadership. It was a great read and made me realize we are all lead by [..]



Ezekiel James 1:17 It’s midnight and I just crept into my son’s room to pray for him. I do this every single night. Being his father is the [..]

God's Love, Hope, Leadership, Praying to God

An Example for Children-Norman B. Gillis Sr.

An Example for Children-Norman B. Gillis Sr. Colossians 3:20-21 We sometimes like to stress certain Bible verses and put less stress on others. One example may be Colossians [..]

Encouragment, Leadership, Servanthood

It is not just a boy scout motto!

It’s not just a boy scout motto! Genesis 41:15-36 Sometimes things become so piled up that a person can’t find their way through life. Demands from the office, [..]

Christian Graces, Leadership, Longevity