Category Archives: devo and blog

Lifestation – Saving the Lives of Seniors

To help our ministry continue, we feature high quality sponsors such as Lifestation, the medical alert system which saves lives. . CLICK HERE to get more information on [..]

devo and blog

The Myth of a Giftless Christmas

The Myth of a Giftless Christmas James 4:14 A big shout of thanks go out to Jesus, Rick Warren and Hugh Hewitt The other day I had to [..]

devo and blog, Hope, Jesus

Really Loving God

Really Loving God 2nd Samuel 11 King David was blessed by God in many ways. He praised the Lord in his prayers. But David was not always walking [..]

devo and blog, Struggles


Pursue 1 Timothy 6:11 Last night, my family and a couple Zach’s House friends went bowling. I averaged around 130 pins knocked down on each game. We felt [..]

Christian Graces, devo and blog, Encouargement