Category Archives: Attributes of God

Devotionals in this category focus on the attributes of God. These range from just to kind to creative and more. If you benefit from these devos, please subscribe to our list.

Are We Terrible People?

Romans 5:18-19 Ezekiel 18 Luke 23:50 I’ve been hanging around some folks who think we are terrible people. They say there is no good in us at all. [..]

Attributes of God, God's Love, Hope, Sin, The Bible

Zephaniah Vs. Some Guy From Oregon

Zephaniah 1:1-2:3 The other day I saw a guy in Starbucks with his Bible open. I found out he was doing some devotional reading. He had opened to [..]

Attributes of God

Restoration (back to God’s plan)

Restoration (back to God’s plan) John 21:15-17 In a column on art restoration, Robert Fulford writes, “A scholar came upon a striking fact: in the year 1516, the [..]

Attributes of God, Jesus, Ministry

The Beauty of the Butterfly

The Beauty of the Butterfly Ecclesiastes 3:11 Last week I spoke of the mystery of Christ. I hadn’t planned on continuing the mystery motif this week, but I [..]

Attributes of God