Bad Things Turn Good…Eventually

Bad Things Turn Good…Eventually
Romans 8:28 Large Print Bibles

All types of people are encouraging, even those people who do not go to church or have a relationship with Jesus. These people might say things in hard times like, “Everything is going to be okay,” or “You’ll make it through this,” or similar such things. Conversely, Christians may say the exact same things but know WHY. The reason is because of our Bible verse for today. If we love God and are called according to his purpose, he will make all things turn out for the best. That isn’t always easily understood. Sometimes it may take years or even decades to comprehend. I like it when God is a little bit quicker in giving us an understanding of how this or that bad situation has actually been a blessing instead of a curse.

Just last weekend, our family experienced this situation. We left Friday night to go to Cheyenne, WY to pick up our son from Grandma’s house. We stayed ten hours and then headed back home. Before leaving, I wanted to take some photos of the state capitol at night. I left the car running, I pulled out my tripod and camera. I snapped a few photos and as I headed back to the car, I saw smoke in front of the headlights. I also smelled burning anti-freeze. I opened the hood and saw coolant spraying all over the engine. My mom had to come downtown to get Mary Ann and my son Zeke. I stayed with the car all night and slept a few hours until Starbucks opened up.

That night my wife became really sick. It’s best that she was sick in a comfortable home instead of alongside a broken down car between Denver and Cheyenne on a desolate highway. What if we had traveled down the highway instead of me shooting some photos? This thing did turn out for good. If the car had broken down a little later, we would have been stranded. If it had broken down a little earlier while we were taking a ride on some gravel roads near Chugwater, we would have been stranded. All in all, I considered this car problem a blessing. It really was and everything turned out for the best.

Now, heading home the next day, my wife became even sicker and had to be taken to the emergency room in Longmont . I still haven’t found out how that has worked out for the best, but she is healing, so that is good. While getting Mary Ann some medicine at Wal-Mart. I met a Muslim man from India who had locked his keys in his car. I was able to help him get into his car. I’ll stay in touch with him and who knows what might happen? After all, I love God and all things turn out good for those who love Him…sometimes sooner than later.

Yours in Christ,

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