Category Archives: Hope

One of the never ending themes found in the Bible is one of hope. Devos in this category focus on hope.

The Myth of a Giftless Christmas

The Myth of a Giftless Christmas James 4:14 A big shout of thanks go out to Jesus, Rick Warren and Hugh Hewitt The other day I had to [..]

devo and blog, Hope, Jesus

Are We Terrible People?

Romans 5:18-19 Ezekiel 18 Luke 23:50 I’ve been hanging around some folks who think we are terrible people. They say there is no good in us at all. [..]

Attributes of God, God's Love, Hope, Sin, The Bible


Hope! 1 Thessalonians 4:13 The other day, I was traveling down a lonely highway on the Colorado plains. It may have been lonely for me, but it was [..]


I Am Blessed!

I Am Blessed! Deuteronomy 7:13 I heard a wonderful sermon yesterday morning, an absolute astounding message of hope. Then last night, I received some very bad news that [..]

God's Love, Hope, Peace